Find Jobs

Find jobs,employeement & career opportunities.

INDO HR now is assigned by Indonesia’s Minsitry of Labour to support and provide jobs information inside the government owned job portal Karirhub ( We are honored and determined to help the government decreasing the unemployment number by providing job vacancies from all around Indonesia, and we hope that you can be a part of our journey.

Download here to see the official assignment letter:

Surat Penayangan Informasi Lowongan

INDO HR was established in 2013, built on the basis of a sense of concern, the responsibility of enthusiasm in the field of Human Resources which is interwoven into a commitment.

In today’s competitive business, acquiring and retaining high credible and talented people is essential, especially for high-level positions such as CEO, MD, or BOD. These people are the core of your company’s success, the ones who will actualize the vision and mission of your company in the future.

INDO HR believes that the basic pre-requisite for any successful business organization is meeting that human capital challenge. Our company has the ability to strengthen your business by sourcing the most qualified and talented senior executives and senior managers for your business. Our company is an aggressive local company. Equipped with the experience of the two companies in the business; talented yet qualified personnel in Business Process Outsourcing, Executive Search, and HR Consulting;

We are ready to identify, engage, and attract the potential candidates that best suit your requirements. Ensuring the outcome of our client’s business processes is the most effective and the most efficient; suited to the strategic needs and thrust of the organization.